A sixth sense
for fundraising acceleration
Want the secret to exponential fundraising growth? Harness humankindness, and give it a job to do. That's what we do! We don't just nurture supporters, we create advocates for your cause. Because to change this world, you'll need more than donors, clients or customers.
You need believers.
Direct response
strategy & creative with love
We are the direct response experts, and passionate storytellers. Whether your focus is acquisition, development, retention or bequest, we'll craft a direct mail conversation with the right people, at the right time. So you can be confident that from strategy to post, there isn't a more agile or intuitive agency - or one with more heart.
Digital & Social
expertise to get results
The social space is much more than broadcasting. It's how you create your community by leveraging and optimising conversations already happening. We can help you develop relatable content to increase awareness, reach and engagement. And make both friends and fans across the digital landscape.

We're a boutique creative agency, with weighty business cred. We stay deliberately small, flexible and responsive. Yet we're powered by two decades of NFP experience and a sophisticated understanding of the post-millenial marketplace. It's creativity driven by knowledge, to get results.

Sonya Semmens, Creative Direction & Copy
Fishnet Fundraising was founded in 2006 by Sonya Semmens with the goal of providing specialist expertise for a reasonable price... Because good people need good work!
Sonya has a background in public relations and general marketing - BA(Psych), Grad Dip(Comms)(Hons) - and has worked in-agency in the NFP sector for twenty years. But her real love is storytelling. Stories use words like a fisherman uses his net - to draw ideas together... and catch lunch!